I was given an opportunity to audition for a solid B level club. I opted not to accept because it was really a bringer. Sorry folks, but not falling for it. And truth be told I am so not ready for the club spot. I have 10 minutes, by the skin of my teeth. Slow and steady wins the race right?! Yeesh it’s so easy to lose site and track of things. I want it all now daddy! (think Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka). Ok now a Stuart Smilie reminder: Celebrate small accomplishments. Now if the barter with Manhattan Comedy School works… I’ll be getting guest spots at Gotham & that will be awesome. I’ll explain the barter in a few posts, I’m sure. It is a business after all.
Today I went to the Friars club to support a comedian friend. It was fun but obviously I didn’t stay and watch other comedians. Enough comedy is enough comedy. Plus tonight I’m hosting my favorite show… the open mic at the Creek and the Cave. I have fun on that microphone. So let DJ hollah back girl step up to the microphone… Michelle!
My favorite intro of the night: “I love me some chicken stock, I love beef stock, but my favorite is Mike Shu-stock!”