Opening Up A Show


I had another guest spot at Gotham Comedy club! I could get used to performing in front of 250 people on a regular basis. I opened the show which is the second hardest spot after the MC because the audience isn’t fully ready for comedy. I did a gig where a comedian literally hid so she didn’t have to go first. I didn’t even know about the concept of “hiding”, until an experienced comic told me about it. Wowsa.

What did I learn in doing the set?  Certain jokes that work later in the show, like about sex, won’t work if you’re the first comedian.The joke about my brother making an excel spreadsheet of all the money he ever spent on a woman is a solid and a reliable laugh. I have been told this before, but I need to figure out how to flesh out this joke. I’ll put that high up on my to do list.  

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