Today I worked at a coffee shop with a new comedian friend; it reminded me of my college days at U of Michigan. In Ann Arbor, I would work in coffee shops or the law library (on the hunt for a lawyer).
Back in comedy land, the coffee work session was productive-ish. It felt like I was on a first date. Tomorrow I am supposed to write with another comedian friend which will be our first time working together. Until I find my way in the comedy scene, I will be in the world of first comedy dates… I hope some of them stick.
Tomorrow is the first edition of a new show Masq Qomedy I REALLY hope people come, but there is only so much I can do. Julia Cameron in the Artists Way says “Remember your job is to work, not judge the work. Say, “ok creative force, you take care of the quality, I will take care of the quantity “. That goes for producing as well, I decided.
In unrelated news below is my third vlog.